Chapter 1.2 – Reduplication

Welcome back to the second installment of the Hall of Fame Legacy!

09-08-14_10-31 AM

When we left off, Emerson and his best shot at not dying alone, Kyla, were still getting to know each other and became friends. I figured out her final trait: she’s Active, Outgoing and a Bookworm. One of those people who reads on the treadmill, I guess.

Anyway, she’s cute, she’s single, Emerson’s rolling wants for her, so say cheese, Kyla, ’cause you’re not getting off this lot unmarried! At first she seems receptive…

09-08-14_10-33 AM-2

“Tell me more about my eyes, Emerson.”

“They’re deep brown pools of… uh… gorgeousness?”

“Teehee, go on!”

“Your hair is… well, it’s really hard to see under that hat, but I’m sure it’s nice.”

“Heehee! You’re such a charmer!”

09-08-14_10-33 AM-3

“Oh, Kyla, you’re so wonderful! I’m so into you, I just–“

“What?! You mean all this flirting is because you like me?? Ugh, dude, how dare you think this meant something! Feeling NOT mutual, pal!”

09-08-14_10-35 AM

“Maybe call me when you’re not gonna get all weird on me, okay? I’m going home.”

“I’m an idiot, oh God, I’m really such an idiot…”

Well. Is it me or does “confess attraction” fail a LOT? Consider Emerson’s heart crushed. He’s deeply embarrassed now, and it looks like we’ll be spending another night lawn-living thanks to Kyla “don’t say you love me” Yeager.

09-08-14_10-35 AM-2

I get it, Emerson. Hide from the world. It can’t hurt you in there.

09-08-14_10-44 AM

“And, and then, she pulled away and just, like, left, and I didn’t know what to do, and I just needed someone to talk to…”

Is he running to another woman? A friend? Hardly. He has no friends! He got out of bed sad and rolled a want to call the Sadness Hotline. What, is that like… a suicide hotline? Is he THAT upset? In any case, he cries into his cheerios a little, then takes an inspiring shower and heads off the to library to practice writing some more.

It is around this point that I realize I never had him get a job. Dangit! We have no money!!

09-08-14_10-49 AM

Emerson cheered up substantially once he got to the library. Not only was it well decorated and his tenseness at not creating went away, but his snob sense started tingling. Snobs love being around other snobs; it makes them feel confident. So there he was, banging away on the keyboard, feeling like a million bucks for the first time since he moved here, when who did he see…

09-08-14_10-52 AM

Kyla! We have another chance!

“Fancy meeting you here, Kyla.”



Sit next to each other, you idiots! They spent around an hour shuffling around the library, and Baldy McAngrypants there kept joining in the conversation and making it awkward when Emerson and Kyla flirted. I… I kind of hate how random sims will butt in on your conversations.

09-08-14_11-01 AM

To avoid that business, I had Emerson ask Kyla out on a date, which she accepted because she was feeling flirty and I am not letting that chance go by. They went to the Rattlesnake Juice bar.

About the date mechanic… it’s a little weird seeing all the hoops you have to jump through (tell a story! have a deep conversation! flirt while flirty!) but on the other hand it’s nice to see a really clear way you’re graded. I avoided dates in Sims 3 since I could never get them to work out, so at least I know what to do here.

By the way, this was a killer date.

09-08-14_11-09 AM


“Oh Emerson! You’re so much more interesting now that I’m feeling frisky!”

What a difference a mood makes! She couldn’t get enough of him! She agreed to be his girlfriend, which gave the date a massive boost, and it went uphill from there.

09-08-14_11-11 AM

We got a first kiss…

09-08-14_11-14 AM

…and then some!

The sight of that pink sock flying through the air put my heart at ease. I think this’ll really work out, which is great, because I don’t really have any other options at this point.

They had an awesome, gold medal date, despite Blue Shirt Girl autonomously joining in on their conversation and making everything “extremely awkward” because they were all over each other and she was a third wheel.

I’m on her side, though–I know when I see two people kissing in a bar I immediately go over to them and start telling jokes about ducks. They’re the ones who should have the decency to listen! SO RUDE!! /s

09-08-14_11-30 AM

The date ended there because both parties were about to pee themselves, but Kyla came over on her own the next day. Things were different between them this time. I don’t think he’ll be lawn-living tonight.

09-08-14_11-31 AM-2

“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways! Whether ’tis nobler to shake the darling buds of May, or make me a willow cabin at your gate in glorious summer by this son of York, uh… wait, I lost my place.”

09-08-14_11-33 AM-2

“What I mean to say is… you inspire me, my muse! Marry me!”

“Emerson… I…”


09-08-14_11-33 AM-3

“Of course I’ll marry you!”


09-08-14_11-36 AM-2

“Yes! Yes! No more chasing married women for me!”

“Of course not, hun, you want to live, right?”


09-08-14_11-37 AM-2

They got married right then, right there, because Emerson had about $90 to his name and a proper wedding was out of the question. I feel like it’s the lot in life for a first generation legacy sim–their life is never the best or brightest, but it’s always full of heart.

The ceremony is pretty sweet and surprisingly long. Confetti falls from nowhere and cheesy music plays. Ah, all the best Sims tropes.

Anyways. Let’s spend the cool $20k she came in with.

09-08-14_12-12 PM

I’ll be the first to admit it–I am no good at making houses. I frequently have my husband do them for me, but he’s at work so I took a stab at it. I was really upset at the lack of an auto-roof tool… I can’t seem to make them look good without it. I made the house sandy colored to match the desert.

I like Oasis Springs. I grew up in semi-arid parts of Southern California and seeing the mountains at a distance through the haze is really familiar and nice. I thought I would miss having a nice grassy lot, but it doesn’t bother me at all. Throw a few cacti in and it feels like home already.

09-08-14_12-14 PM

Which is good, considering what both of these guys were yearning for. They’d been at “very flirty” for a while with some red-hot whims. Finally I can let them at each other. Get to making the babies!

And that brings me to Kyla… Now that she’s married in, I can see her aspirations. It’s not what I expected. I can also see her age, which, sadly, is as I’d feared…

09-08-14_2-30 PM

Generation One Spouse: Kyla Hall, née Yeager. (Yeah, I had to edit her last name in CAS. Thanks, Sims 4. Thanks so much.)

Yes, she’s an adult, not a young adult. Great. I couldn’t TELL! In Sims 3 you could see the wrinkles at least. And she only has 18 days… she’s due to turn old right when Emerson turns adult. Sigh.

Aside from that, her traits are Active, Outgoing, and Bookworm, which are nice. And then there’s the bonus trait she gets from her aspiration… Domestic. Yes, Kyla’s aspiration is Family, and, more specifically, Successful Lineage. She wants a legacy! Well, that’s perfect! She’ll get it! …If she lives long enough.

On the makeover front, I cleaned up her look a little, but I let her keep the hat because it’s cute. The pink socks had to go, though.

  09-08-14_2-44 PM

“Hey, Kyla, what’s up?”

“Uh… Who are you?”

“Remember, I’m Raelyn? The girl you were hanging out with last night?”

“What, uh… Oh! The girl who third-wheeled my date!”

What is she doing here?? Who let her in? Why is she in the fridge?!

09-08-14_2-45 PM

“Wow, you guys, you’re just gonna start kissing while I’m talking to you? Awkward.”


09-08-14_2-47 PM

“Sup Raelyn, is Kyla here?”

“Yeah, but she’s being super weird, all kissing her husband in the privacy of her own home even though I was dropping in  completely unannounced. You should totally go in anyways, though.”

What the… Everyone go away! They’ve been married for like two hours, leave them alone!

09-08-14_2-56 PM-2

Despite all in the interruptions, Emerson and Kyla are in super good moods. I’ve never seen the “very happy” or “very inspired” emotions before, but all the new loves and getting married and first woohoos and stuff are putting them over the moon with joy.

And that’s not the only first! Kyla got pregnant, first try!

09-08-14_3-11 PM

And… here’s where I’d put a picture of a successful pregnancy test… if I had one!

I adjusted the lighting while she was taking the test because, go figure, the bathroom was too dark, but! She glitched off the toilet and I didn’t get any confetti! I feel cheated! This is my first sim conceived in game and I get no confetti!

So here, have some vomit, which, by the way, looks way more realistic and subsequently a lot more gross in this game.

09-08-14_3-12 PM

“Whew, that just splashed everywhere, didn’t it? Hehe.”

EWW, there are little flies and everything!!

  09-08-14_3-14 PM-2

“Em, hun, I have something to tell you.”

“What is it, Kyla?”

“Oh, uh, never mind, I guess I can’t… Well, anyway, let’s go woohoo.”

Is there no option to announce pregnancy anymore? That makes me sad. Even seeing the dad give an awkward thumbs-up was better than nothing.

09-08-14_3-18 PM

On the other hand, seeing Emerson strut off to work with a “good woohoo” moodlet is pretty funny. 

Actually, Kyla’s moodlet was better than his was. One of you guys isn’t giving 100%!

09-09-14_8-32 AM-2

“I’m so hungry… but I think I’m gonna barf. Also I’m about to pee myself!!”

Pregnancy in Sims 4 seems pretty rough. There are all kinds of moodlets on her, from happy ones to “something is crushing my innards” type ones. She’s pretty upset, and her cooking didn’t go well.

09-09-14_8-34 AM-2

Kyla, honey, don’t eat that. It’s only “okay” quality which in this game means you’ll probably get food poisoning. Just have some oatmeal before you keel over. (By the way, the oatmeal still gave her a bad moodlet! “Cold in the middle.” Gah!)

She was having a bad morning, but hey, at least she had her husband! And a new interaction called “Share Big News” that I swear wasn’t there before!

 09-09-14_8-42 AM

“Okay, hun, brace yourself! …I’m pregnant!!”

09-09-14_8-43 AM-3

“What? Oh nooo! But we’re so broke!!”

Not the reaction you want, maybe…

09-09-14_9-04 AM

“Uh… I mean… that’s great! We’ll make it somehow…”

Sure you will! It’s not like nobody has work for the next few days and there’s a totally empty nursery right there and you’re completely unprepared or anything!


09-09-14_9-24 AM

“We’re dead, we are so dead…”

On the bright side, when he’s sad he gets to write sad books! (The game suggested “All the Sickly Horses” as a title which I found hilarious.)

Actually, Emerson has written a ton of books by now, maybe 5, but I haven’t published any because I’m waiting for his job to require it. So… that’s some income we aren’t getting right now. Both he and Kyla have been promoted in their jobs (Kyla is Head Dishwasher (lol) and Emerson is a Blogger) but they spend it as fast as they make it, what with having to outfit a baby room and such.

09-09-14_9-44 AM

Goodness gracious, she is huge. Buying all that baby stuff made her reach her second level of lifetime aspiration, and she’s aching to be a parent now, so she’s always happy (when she’s not starving, exhausted, or full of pee).

Emerson has been buckling down on his writing… We can get through this!

   09-09-14_9-37 AM

“Whoa, so that’s the little guy! Wow. I can’t wait to hold him!”

“Or her, Em.”


“Ow! That hurt!”

“What? But I didn’t do anything…”

09-09-14_9-51 AM

“Oww! I’m serious; that really hurts!”

“I’m not doing anything!!”

“Not you, the baby’s coming!”


09-09-14_9-58 AM

And he is! Poof!

In a shower of sparks, little Arthur Hall is born! His parents are overjoyed! His dad is ecstatic! His mom is… um… still… having babies…


09-09-14_9-59 AM

“Haha! Whoo! Triplets! Who knew?”

AAAAGH! I heard that this might happen with Family aspiration sims! Why, though? Twins is fine, but why triplets?! My first sim born in game is three sims!

09-09-14_10-15 AM

“If I don’t see it, it’s not real. If I don’t see it, it’s not real…”

I think we’re both gonna need a moment to cope with this. ‘Til next time…!

2 thoughts on “Chapter 1.2 – Reduplication

  1. I bought TS2 the day it released, and the first sim birth I had was identical twins. I was like, “Whaaaaa-? I can’t do this! Too much pressure!” LOL
    Can’t wait to see what happens next. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my fracking goodness. O_o I’ve yet to see any multiples in my games (even my 100 Baby Challenge file who has the Big Happy Family aspiration). Poor Emmerson . . . poor you! But at least she’ll only have to get pregnant once! Lol! Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

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