Chapter 1.3 – Three Different Ones

So, last time, this happened…

09-09-14_10-39 AM-2

Yeah, triplets–on my first try! I’m so lucky… *cringing*

Oh, and the bassinets are misleading–there are two boys and one girl: Arthur, Anne, and Adrian. I, um… I would not have given them all A names if I knew it was triplets. Let me explain myself.

First there was one baby and I noticed the popup references “life, the universe, and everything” so I named the baby Arthur in appreciation. Then there was another baby. “Aww,” thinks I, “boy-girl twins! Cute! They should match!” And I named her Anne to match Arthur.

Then there was a third and I panicked and just picked SOMETHING WITH AN A, ANYTHING and I actually forgot what it was until he grew up into a child. So. That’s what my state of mind was during the birth.

09-09-14_11-01 AM

“No three babies here!! Just me and my best buddy! Hahahahaaaaaa!!”

There follows after this a period of little picture-taking, but much frantic directing of my sims to not starve, miss work, or pass out in their own pee puddles. Triplets is a lot worse than I expected. No one was happy.

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“Who’s mommy’s little snuggy-wuggy! No, seriously, which one are you? Oh well, you’re my honey baby anyway!”

Well, actually, Kyla was happy. Even though pregnancy still knocked her down for a good day or so after the birth, she never griped. She loves her babies and made good friends with them all. Emerson changed them, fed them, then fled the room, but was mostly unscathed overall.

I, on the other hand, hated the babies. Their cries are so piercing and annoying! I always skipped the baby stage in Sims 3 so struggling through it now was just… ugh, horrible. Still, it makes for some cute pictures.

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Awwwww! Look! It’s only cute because you can’t see his brilliant red plumbob.

Seriously, though, I did a lot of speeding through the baby stage. So much that, well, I missed the kids growing up.

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I heard some ominous music, looked up, and there they were… marching towards me with the heinous intent to ruin all my careful plans.

“There’s no way you can manage three kids at once,” they seemed to say, “your much hoped-for reputation as a successful, competent sim wrangler is dead in the water. We three angels of destruction will tear down your ivory tower and eat it for breakfast!!!”

*cries* And I was doing so well…

09-11-14_1-11 PM

Exhibit A in stuff I had to change… Their room…

I had to throw in three beds instead of the one I had planned. It’s a good thing they grew up between bill times, because those things are killing me.

On a side note, everyone loves these beds and frequently eat, read, and chat on them. Never mind if kids are trying to sleep!

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Well, in any case, let me introduce them all.

This is Arthur Hall, the first born. He’s a Geek with the Artistic Prodigy wish. He’s also the cutest of the three–he has Kyla’s face. They all have Kyla’s skin tone and Emerson’s red hair and blue eyes, but no one got freckles. *pout*

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Second is Anne Hall, whom I named after famous colonial poet Anne Bradstreet, NOT after Annie Hall, though of course I didn’t realize the similarity until it was too late.

Anne is Creative with a wish to be a Social Butterfly. I heard that one was a pain, so… yay. Anne has Emerson’s sharp features, but she’s also a little heavy set, like her mom. (The boys are rail thin, like Emerson.)

Since I’m doing strict equality heirship (boy-girl-boy-girl) currently Anne is the only one eligible to be heiress.

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This last kid, the youngest, is Adrian Hall. He’s got mostly the same face as Anne, but yeesh, he makes a lot of creepy smiles. He’s Mean with a Whiz Kid aspiration. He might be my favorite? I like bratty sims.

Things went back to normal pretty fast, and by normal I mean everyone working furiously on their aspirations and jobs!!

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“These pancakes need some zing… I know! Pepper! Oh, and wine!!”

Kyla continues to work at her job, culinary, which she is surprisingly bad at. She keeps making “okay” food and then everyone mopes around upset because “okay” means “tastes like garbage” in this game.

09-11-14_8-57 AM-2u

“Really, Mother? The cow jumped over the moon? Do you really expect me to believe that?”

“I don’t know, that’s what the book says…”

“Oh, Mother. You’re so silly.”

“Hey! Don’t question the book!”

Kyla’s personal aspiration is to basically be a good mommy, so she’s trying to read to her kids and help them with their homework. Some kids are more receptive than others.

09-11-14_9-40 AMu

“Hey, lady! Hi! Wanna be my friend?”

“Oh, uh, sure, I’ll be–”


Anne is out front, accosting every person who walks by in an attempt to meet enough people for her social aspiration. She’s not bad at it, though with her Creative trait, seems more like she should be an artist? Like Arthur!

09-11-14_9-18 AM

“Arthur, you are KILLING my ears! They’re dying right now!

“Sorry, this is harder than it looks–”


The children’s violin is a horrible choice if your sim doesn’t have a room all to himself because it makes other sims get upset, wakes people up, etc…

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So I just had him draw. It’s quiet, and little kid pictures are a lot cuter than little kid violin playing. Arthur’s aspiration seems to be fulfilled by flailing wildly at the art table and slinging macaroni everywhere. Woo! Go for it, since the art table isn’t a cleanable object!

…By the way, does it bug anyone else that kids can’t clean the sinks and toilets anymore? Their parents are always busy and everyone keeps getting the creepy-crawlies because their hineys are touching ick. I don’t want to hire a maid, you kids need to learn how to pick up a sponge!

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And Adrian’s job is being a snooty brat, though by him playing so much chess I discovered Ponder Moves gives an automatic “focused” mood, good for kids going to school.

Speaking of school, boy is that a whole mess of goals to complete and hoops to jump through. You can do your homework every day, but it’s not enough to get you an A anymore. You have a bunch of things to accomplish to get to B and then A requires extra credit.

One thing I will say… Accomplishing aspirations and promotions is a lot harder in Sims 4.

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Take poor Emerson! He has to get writer’s block for his lifetime aspiration–but he doesn’t! He’s almost up to level 8 writing, has all kinds of books written, a bunch of career rewards, etc., but has never had writer’s block. He’s too inspired, I guess. He spends all his time writing in an attempt to force writer’s block, but… so far no dice.

09-11-14_1-26 PM

“Well, hello pretty lady. You’re my wife, right?”

“Yeah, we’re married… I think…”

Emerson was working so hard at his writing that he and Kyla, uh, sort of stopped loving each other as much? They stopped being soulmates! This is a legacy, we can’t have that! No divorce or anything allowed! So I had them get re-acquainted in their jammies one Sunday morning.

09-11-14_1-29 PM

Move along, nothing to see here…

Though they both seem to be on the same level now! Good woohoo moodlets all around.

09-11-14_1-40 PM

“Aww, how sweet, Adrian! Hey, get off my wallet!”

We really needed to find Anne some more friends, and I wanted Emerson to hang out with his kids, since, he… sort of barely knows them. Of course, there were no kids there (I swear I’ve seen some before!) and the triplets wound up playing with each other.

09-11-14_1-41 PM

“Port! Starboard! Poop deck! Make the sails do a thing!”

“Anne, this is a spaceship…”

“How dare you talk back to your captain! Walk the plank!”

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“Grrrr, I’m an alien, coming to get you! Rarr!”

“An alien! Take care of it, Captain Anne!”

Pew pew! Take that!”

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“Aww, you’d never really hurt me, though, right, Anne?”

“I’ve got the alien in a headlock! Get him, Lieutenant Arthur!”

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All in all, though, the kids had a good time at the park, and they gained some skills. The monkey bars earn them motor skills.

Am I alone in saying WHOA that they can do this with no motor skill? I could never do this game as a kid; I always fell off.

09-11-14_1-46 PM

“Hi, you’re cute!”

“Hehe, you’re adorable yourself, little girl!”

“No, I mean like cute. Wanna be my boyfriend?”

Anne meets people and spends… a long time… chatting up this guy, named Rowan. He’s a teenager and a townie, so who cares, go for it. It’s never too early to start thinking about options, right? Especially since Anne is my only prospect right now…

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At the end of their day at the park, the triplets have dinner–hamburgers that they just found sitting out on a bench.

Where… where’s Emerson?

09-11-14_1-49 PM

“Oh Kafka, you set my soul aglow!”

Oh, of course, he’s off in the adult retreat, a little mini lounge and library in the park. He’d been reading for quite a while I guess; I didn’t see him slip off. Well it was getting late and people were getting tired, so I sent them home.

09-14-14_12-48 PM

“Uh oh, what happened with mom while we were gone??”

Oh! Um! So…

09-14-14_12-55 PM

“Mom? What the devil is going on? What or who is that?

“Hmm? What? I have no idea what you mean…” *innocent whistling*

I couldn’t help it, guys; she wanted another baby, I wanted another baby (come on, we need a second girl!) so I just, you know… Plus I love big families! Kyla loves big families! Just… don’t tell Emerson…

Here’s hoping this one comes out a girl! Next time, you’ll find out… 🙂

One thought on “Chapter 1.3 – Three Different Ones

  1. Hah, great update! Natural triplets, that still boggles me. They all turned out awesome, I kinda love Adrian and snottiness too, lol. As for the writer’s block, the only way I discovered to do it was this; Turn off all inspired moodlet boosters (career reward objects, special lamps, etc). Get them a sleep replacement potion in advance, then sit them at a computer and practice writing. Use the potion so they don’t have to sleep. Several hours of non-interrupted-practice-writing will eventually give them the Writer’s Block tense mood. Then just do fun stuff to get it to go away, and voila. Milestone achieved.

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